Tuesday, 4 February 2020

 Asylum Justice is a charitable trust, founded in 2005, that provides free legal services to asylum seekers and refugees in Wales in cases where Legal Aid is not available.

Open drop-in sessions 

Every Monday between 6 and 8.30pm 
City United Reformed Church in Windsor Place, Cardiff. CF10 3BZ.

The first and third Thursday of every month 6pm to 8pm.
 Swansea Wellbeing Centre. Walter Rd, Burman St, Swansea SA1 5PQ

PLEASE NOTE: If you plan to attend a drop-in session, please ensure that you bring all relevant paperwork with you (i.e. Home Office papers, papers from the Tribunal, letters from legal representative(s), etc.).


Tel: 01792 467791

Email: info@asylumjustice.org.uk

Address: Portland House. 113-116 Bute street, Cardiff bay. CF10 5EQ

Website: www.asylumjustice.org.uk