Tuesday 4 February 2020

Swansea became the UK’s second official City of Sanctuary in May 2010. It formally adopted its constitution in February 2012. City of Sanctuary is a national movement committed to building a culture of hospitality and welcome, especially for refugees seeking sanctuary from war and persecution. Swansea has offered a home to people who have lost their homes and families and we wish to celebrate the welcoming attitudes of Swansea people and organisations.

Volunteer Opportunities*
  • A Better Welcome to Swansea is a project which aims to provide a warm welcome to asylum seekers and refugees (participants) when they first arrive in Swansea
  • Sanctuary Speakers: to deliver awareness-raising sessions at various venues
  • Translators: Supporting people to access services 
*All our volunteers are offered induction training, regular supervisions and support, travel expenses and references after you have completed 30 hours of volunteering.

Address: Voluntary Action Centre. 7 Walter Rd. Swansea. SA1 5NF
Email: swansea@cityofsanctuary.org
Website: https://swansea.cityofsanctuary.org/

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